The Casentino Archaeological Museum is configured as a reorganisation of the collections already exhibited at the Partina Museum, which was closed in 2010 and moved to its current location in Palazzo Niccolini in Bibbiena. The first nucleus of the Museum dates back to 1996, the year the Partina site was opened, which housed the collections found in about thirty years of research carried out in the area by the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Tuscany with the active collaboration of the Gruppo Archeologico Casentinese.
Museo Archeologico del Casentino "Piero Albertoni"

The current layout of the Museum, completely renewed with respect to the old Partina site and divided into 6 rooms, is essentially based on a chronological criterion that shows visitors how the Casentino valley was transformed in the period between Prehistory and the late Roman age. Within the overall chronological layout, however, there are also sections of a more thematic nature, such as the one on Etruscan sanctuaries or on burials, which are useful for better understanding particular sections of ancient history and society.
The Museum was then partially refurbished in 2001 and, from 2004, also housed the finds from the first excavation campaign at the Etruscan cult site of Lago degli Idoli, carried out in 2003. The Museum did not undergo any further changes until its closure in the spring of 2010, in view of the re-fitting and expansion project at the new location, a project promoted and financed by the Municipality of Bibbiena and carried out in close collaboration with the Gruppo Archeologico Casentinese (Casentino Archaeological Group), under the scientific direction of the Superintendency for Archaeological Heritage of Tuscany.
Audioguides and Visitor Guidance
The Archaeological Museum offers visitors, included in the ticket price, an audio-guide service so that they can visit the collections in total autonomy. There is also a well-stocked bookshop at the ticket office where gadgets and publications related to the Casentino can be purchased.
THE MUSEUM IS FULLY ACCESSIBLE TO THE DISABLED. All the information texts inside the various rooms of the museum are in Italian and English.
By Car
Take the S.R. 71 Umbro-Casentinese in the direction of Casentino-Bibbiena.
By Train
Casentino railway line, Bibbiena Station.
By Car
Take the S.R. 67 del Passo del Muraglione to Pontassieve and take the S.R. 70 del Passo della Consuma towards Bibbiena.
By Train
Florence-Arezzo line and Casentino railway line, Bibbiena Stazione (AR) station.
By Bus
Bibbiena-Casentino line of the SITA company (Via Santa Caterina da Siena, near Santa Maria Novella station).
By Car
Take the E45 southbound to the Bagno di Romagna exit and take the S.R.71 Umbro-Casentinese towards Bibbiena.